Bit's n BobsTutorials

How to make infused oils


Herb-infused oils are great to have on hand. Some are great for salad dressing, some for skin, some for internal medicine, and some for all of the above. Here is a simple how-to for making infused oils.

1) Figure out how much herb you have and how much oil you want to make. I like a 1 to 10 ratio for dried herbs which means 1 oz (mass) to 10 oz (volume)

2) Choose your oil. I am a fan of olive oil for both food and skin preparations and it’s always on hand.

3) Make sure your dried herb is in small enough pieces to maximize surface area in contact with oil. A freshly ground herb or resin is best!

4) Put the lime in the coconut and shake them both up. Have your cocktail, then get back to work on that infused oil.

5) Put the dried herb in a sealable container (canning jars work nicely) with the oil. Give it a shake and put it away. Dark is best, warm is good. Give it a shake every day.

6) In 4 to 6 weeks open it up and revel in the herby goodness. Strain it through a cheesecloth to remove all plant material and store it in a cool dark place for up to a year.